Monday - Friday
8am - 4:30pm
(209) 392-2174
(8am - 4pm)
2174 Blossom Street
Dos Palos, CA 93620
Monday - Friday
8am - 4:30pm
(209) 392-2174
(8am - 4pm)
2174 Blossom Street
Dos Palos, CA 93620
What is a Temporary Use Permit?
A Temporary Use Permit (TUP) is required for certain temporary uses and events in the City of Dos Palos. Temporary Use Permits are not allowed in Residential Zones except for uses pertaining to new subdivisions or on permitted church properties.
All Temporary Use Permit requests are subject to the discretion of the Director of Community Development, and therefore may be approved or denied based on compliance with Section 17.060.080 of the Municipal Code.
Upon the granting of a TUP, written verification will be issued to the applicant specifying the details of the grant and any applicable conditions.
What will the Temporary Use Permit Cost?
A Temporary Use Permit Fee is $200 a day for the length of the event.
Note that for different proposed temporary uses, we recommend submitting applications as listed below:
For Non-Outdoor Events, we recommend complete applications and payment of fee be received at least two (2) weeks prior to anticipated event date.
For Outdoor Events (such as carnivals or festivals; and/or events with live music, serving of alcohol, off-site parking, or anticipation of large crowds less than 500 people), we recommend complete application and payment be received at least four (4) weeks prior to anticipated event date.
Certain Outdoor festivals with over 500 people in attendance may be subject to further discretion. We recommend you contact stuff to discuss your proposal well in advance of the event to determine additional requirements.
How to Apply for a Temporary Use Permit
Review the Temporary Use Permit Application Guide and Instructions.
Complete the Temporary Use Permit Application and the applicable Supplemental Form (See Types of Temporary Uses & Supplemental Application Forms further below to download the Application Form and applicable Supplemental Form). Include all relevant Exhibits as listed in the Application Guide and Instructions.
Submit completed application packet by one of the following options:
Online by email to [email protected]
In person at City Hall
By Mail:
Community Development Department
City of Dos Palos
2174 Blossom St., Dos Palos, CA 93620
Types of Temporary Uses & Supplemental Application Forms
Temporary Use Permit Application Form - Use this form for all proposed temporary uses. Complete the applicable Supplemental Form (Required).
Temporary Events (Supplemental Form A)
Examples of Temporary Events include: Outdoor Craft Fairs; Carnivals; Religious Festivals; Rodeo; Outdoor Haunted Houses; Concerts; Outdoor Obstacle Races (such as but not limited to fun runs); contact [email protected] if you are unsure if your event requires a Temporary Use Permit.
Temporary Banner/Signage (Supplemental Form B)
Temporary signs are permitted for 30 consecutive days within the first 90 days of the grand opening of a business and may be permitted for an additional period of up to 30 days within a given calendar year, annually. Beyond the grand opening display period, temporary signs may have their display time split up (e.g., ten three-day periods) and must be listed on the Temporary Use Permit application.
Temporary Subdivision Signs (Supplemental Form C)
Temporary Subdivision Signs are freestanding signs located at the primary entrance to a subdivision in which a subdivision sales program is active. For the temporary office use of model homes, please see the section below titled All Other Temporary Uses Not Listed Above.
Temporary Directional Subdivision and Regional Directional Subdivision Signs are freestanding signs that provide directions to, or advertisement of, active subdivisions. These signs are located off-site (i.e., outside the boundaries of the subdivision) and are limited to a maximum of six (6) signs (of any type) and are valid up to five (5) years from the date of approval.
Seasonal Sales, Promotional Sales & Displays (Supplemental Form D)
Temporary Use Permits are required for seasonal sales (such as Christmas Trees, Flowers or Pumpkins).
All Other Temporary Uses Not Listed Above (Supplemental Form E)
Temporary Concession: Any individual retail sales operation from a location not involving a permanent building for the purpose of housing or conducting sales, distributions or transactions, to make goods or services available to the general public using a temporary table, stand, cart, or similar equipment; but not including a mobile vending vehicle licensed and operated pursuant to the provisions of the Dos Palos Code. The sale of food for on-site consumption is prohibited.
Temporary Offices: Most common are the temporary offices (typically within a model home) for the sale of homes associated with a new subdivision. Note that this permit allows for temporary signs/banners at the model home site.
If you are still unsure if you need a Temporary Use Permit, please contact [email protected]