Monday - Friday
8am - 4:30pm
(209) 392-2174
(8am - 4pm)
2174 Blossom Street
Dos Palos, CA 93620
Monday - Friday
8am - 4:30pm
(209) 392-2174
(8am - 4pm)
2174 Blossom Street
Dos Palos, CA 93620
Welcome to the Dos Palos Planning Division
The Planning Division is responsible for reviewing residential, commercial, and industrial projects for conformance with the City's General Plan, Zoning Code and other adopted specific plans and ordinances.
The Planning Division is committed to providing customer service that is solution-oriented and focuses on guiding the City's growth with sustainable design and the livability of residential neighborhoods, enhancing economic vitality through quality commercial and industrial development.
Development projects are approved by authorities based on the level of permitting. Site Plan Reviews (SPRs) and other permit applications that require little discretion are approved by the Director of Community Development. Other permits, such as Conditional Use Permits (CUPs) and subdivisions are approved by the Planning Commission. Additionally, projects like General Plan Amendments, Zone Changes or Zone Code Text Amendments are approved by the City Council.
If you'd like to see your property's information such as zoning or General Plan Land Use Designation, click on the Land Use Mapping Locator button on the left and enter your address.Contact
Phone: (209) 392-2174
Email: [email protected]
City Hall: 2174 Blossom St., Dos Palos, CA 93620